
DMCA Policy is an online service provider as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). We offer copyright owners the ability to self-publish on the Internet by uploading, storing, and displaying various types of media. We do not actively monitor, screen, or otherwise review the media uploaded by users of the service.

We take copyright violations very seriously and will protect the rights of legal copyright owners. If you are the copyright owner of content that appears on the website and you did not authorize the use of this content, you must notify us in writing so we can identify the allegedly infringing content and take appropriate action.

To facilitate the process, we have provided an online form for your use. We will not be able to take any action if you do not provide the required information, so please fill out all fields accurately and completely. Alternatively, you may submit a written notice via e-mail to our DMCA Agent at the address listed below. Your written notice must include the following information:

Written notice should be sent to:

Please note that under applicable law, 17 U.S.C. 512 (f), any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.